I’ve Seen Fire and I’ve Seen Rain

I’m gonna call ya one day soon.💕💕💕

Receiving my BA in Deaf Education in 4.5 years was a challenging journey filled with unexpected twists and turns. There were moments when I felt like a sinking ship, unsure of how to navigate the unfamiliar waters ahead. One particularly amusing anecdote from my college days involved a seemingly random requirement of taking an “expressive dance 101” class. With underwater basket weaving fully booked and only 1.5 units of PE left to fulfill, I found myself in a comical predicament. Amidst the pre-internet era, I had to hastily sign up for the dance class in front of my counselor, trying my best to suppress feelings of embarrassment.

As someone who was far from being a natural dancer, I approached the challenge with determination and humor, focused on completing the necessary units for graduation. Surprisingly, the dance class turned out to be somewhat of an enjoyable experience. Our instructor, a petite blonde with a contagious energy reminiscent of a Jane Fonda workout video, made the classes engaging and fun. Despite my initial apprehensions, I learned to embrace the art of expressive movement and found joy in letting go of inhibitions.

One memorable assignment tasked us with creating a dance routine to a chosen song. After much deliberation, I settled on James Taylor’s “Fire and Rain.” The song held a special significance for me, symbolizing a period in my life when a generous woman named Rita provided me with a home and unwavering support. Rita, my best friend’s mom, played a pivotal role in my journey, instilling in me the courage and maturity needed to face challenges head-on.

On the day of my final exam before earning my BA in Deaf Education, I stood before my peers and shared a poignant tribute to my mother, who was deaf and cherished music. Reflecting on the role I played as her “ears” and interpreter of music, I realized the profound impact of our shared experiences. Through a heartfelt performance that combined sign language and expressive dance, I paid homage to my roots and the invaluable lessons learned from my upbringing. It could not have done that without Rita.

Looking back, I acknowledge the transformative power of that pivotal moment in my life. Rita’s unwavering belief in my potential led me to pursue a career in ASL interpretation, focusing on stage performances and working with newly diagnosed families at the its height of its novelty. Her guidance inspired me to specialize in early intervention during my Master’s program, a decision that has shaped my professional journey in profound ways.

Although Rita is no longer with us, her legacy lives on in the work I do and the lives I touch. Her kindness and unwavering support continue to influence my path, reminding me of the profound impact a single individual can have on shaping our destinies.

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